Online Program

Frontline Manager Certificate

Program Overview

The Frontline Manager Certificate was developed to provide this vital level of management the tools they need to succeed, helping them elevate both business strategies and employee engagement.

Self-paced program. Begin anytime.

The curriculum consists of nine courses and simulations.

Spanish version is now available.

Program Description

Frontline managers sit at the very first level of management across a company’s business operations. They are, in essence, a company’s strategy in motion and they key to its success.

With a focus on topics such as supervision, coaching, leadership styles, navigating organizational culture, and time management, the courses in the Frontline Manager Certificate are designed to help frontline managers develop into true leaders within an organization.

Fee: $675

Program Features & courses

Introduction to Supervision


Progressive Discipline

Time Management

Work-Life Balance

Better Communication

Leadership Styles

Teams and Groups

Simulation: Leading a Team at Dragonfly

Navigating Your Organizational Culture

Learn the tools you need to succeed.