UXO Program

Meet Your
UXO Staff

Our program provides experienced certified UXO instructors for classroom and hands-on field and safety training.

Matt Nisbet

UT-RELYANT UXO Program Lead Instructor

Matt Nisbet is a retired Army Master EOD First Sergeant. He graduated from the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) course in 1990. He served in multiple assignments from EOD team member, NEST Diagnostics Team Leader, National Response Team Leader and First Sergeant for one of the Army’s special CBRNE units, was selected for a position in the Pentagon, to deploying his EOD unit in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Upon his retirement he went back overseas as a military contractor doing EOD operations, country safety, and program manager. 

Nisbet has deployed to locations stateside and multiple countries as a UXO operator working as a Tech-2, Tech-3, Safety, UXOQC, SUXOS, and Project Manager. He has taught numerous courses for U.S. and foreign militaries, Department of State, federal, state, and local governments, and a course used by DHS to date.

Walter Idol

Health/Safety Team Leader, UTK Center for Industrial Services

Walter Idol is the Program Manager for Health, Safety and Preparedness for the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services. He has been with CIS since 2005, and with the University since 1984. He holds a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and is a nationally registered paramedic.

Mr. Idol has over four decades of emergency response experience, having served in a variety of educational and administrative roles throughout his career. He is an OSHA authorized outreach trainer for general industry, construction and disaster site workers, and instructs a variety of emergency service, emergency preparedness, and technical rescue programs. He has been published in numerous emergency service publications and training texts.

Chuck Gluck

Safety Consultant, UTK Center for Industrial Services

Chuck is a 37-year veteran of the fire service, attaining the rank of Battalion Chief. He obtained a degree in public safety and has been a private business owner in California for 20 years. He was an instructor for the International Association for Firefighters (IAFF) for 20 years. He currently is an OSHA General Industry instructor. He was the training officer for the San Jose Fire Department, an arson investigator, and a HAZMAT inspector.

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