Online Program

Software Engineering Bootcamp

Program Overview

The UT Center for Professional Education & Lifelong Learning’s online Software Engineering bootcamp can prepare you to become a software engineering professional in 12-20 weeks.

Program Description

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of software engineers will grow 26% by 2032. There’s never been a better time to bolster your IT skill set to enter this lucrative field.

Duration: 12-20 weeks 

Fee: $7,900 – $12,000

Program Features and Courses

Principles of Software Engineering

Introduction to Web Development

Introduction to HTML, and CSS

Starting with Git & GitHub

Introduction to UX and Product Management

Introduction to Bootstrap

Project 1: Basic Business or Personal Website

Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript – ES6 and Beyond

Dynamic and Interactive Web Pages –Beginners JavaScript DOM

JavaScript Async

Project 2: Website with a Search Engine

Data Structures and Algorithm Theory

Principles of Software Engineering III: System Design

JavaScript Objects and OOP Programming with JavaScript

Principles of Software Engineering II: Software Design, UML

Introduction to React

Project 3: Task Management Web App

Scrum and Agile Immersion

Querying Data with SQL

Node. js – From Zero to Web Apps

Introduction to FastAPI

Project 4: Node.js Express

Enhance Your IT Career Today with Our Software Engineering Bootcamp